Survival with a purpose or a narrative incentive is always more compelling than just survival for the sake of it. Still craving more of that human-condition-at-work in video games? Want to worry about your hierarchy of needs on top of typical video game challenges? Then you need to try out these best PS4 survival games. Updated July 10, 2021, by Sid Natividad: PS4 survival games are still on a roll - especially now that some older titles have become more available with the advent of the PS5.

To shorten your scouring time for such games, we have here a list of 10 of the best of them, here you go Sony loyalists. Some of them are even exclusives that are not available on the Xbox consoles or the PC. Thankfully, there is no shortage of survival games in PS4's collection. Hence, you could say that playing survival games is best experienced on consoles, mainly the PS4 (let the comment section console wars begin!). RELATED: Among Us Gets Reimagined As A PS1 Survival Horror Game It just so happens that the PlayStation 4 (PS4) is one of the coziest gaming devices you can have since you get to sit back far away from the television or monitor on your couch with your arms more relaxed than on the PC. When playing some harsh and stressful survival games, you'll want to make sure that you're ironically as comfortable as possible in your gaming station.